• Policy

Supply Chain & Trade

ACORE works to secure strong renewable energy supply chains through balanced trade regulations, comprehensive analysis, federal engagement, and support for dramatic growth in domestic manufacturing.

A construction worker holding a tablet in front of shipping containers.

A decarbonized grid will consist of numerous renewable technologies, including some with components sourced globally. Renewable energy supply chains must satisfy near-term procurement imperatives while upholding the standards of integrity and sustainability that our sector demands, especially as recent landmark legislation unlocks new federal incentives to grow our domestic supply.

ACORE believes that accelerated renewable energy growth provides an opportunity to revitalize American manufacturing. Supported by rational laws and enforcement, the U.S. can rise to a place of global leadership in renewable energy manufacturing, which will create good-paying jobs, lower costs for American businesses, and bolster strategic partnerships with international allies for decades to come. 

Growth in domestic manufacturing must be paired with trade policies that promote U.S. competitiveness and ensure the availability of key inputs. ACORE supports the minimization of tariffs, the use of Defense Production Act authorities (with adequate congressional funding), and other solutions to help spur the growth of our domestic manufacturing base. 

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