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Over 30 Organizations Call on FERC to Finalize a Strong Planning Rule
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In advance of tomorrow’s comment deadline on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) on Regional Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation and Generator Interconnection, over 30 organizations sent a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in support of a strong planning rule that helps strengthen the nation’s transmission network.
The organizations that signed the letter include utilities; consumers; NGOs; think tanks; labor groups; national trade associations; equipment providers; clean energy buyers; transmission developers, builders, and operators; independent power producers; and environmental organizations.
“We believe that expanding and upgrading the nation’s transmission network will deliver jobs and economic development, a cleaner environment, and lower costs for consumers,” the signatories wrote. “The diversity of the signatories reflects the fast-growing and widespread recognition of the importance of a strong planning rule to ensure that the nation’s transmission system can support future needs and that the Commission must lead its establishment.”
“Better transmission planning will help deliver the low-cost, clean and reliable energy American businesses and consumers are demanding,” added Barbara Tyran, Director of the Macro Grid Initiative. “The Macro Grid Initiative applauds FERC for its leadership in this rulemaking process.”
To download a copy of the letter, click here.
About ACORE:
For more than 20 years, the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) has been the nation’s premier pan-renewable nonprofit organization. ACORE unites finance, policy and technology to accelerate the transition to a renewable energy economy. For more information, please visit www.acore.org.
About the Macro Grid Initiative:
The Macro Grid Initiative, a joint effort of the American Council on Renewable Energy and Americans for a Clean Energy Grid, seeks to expand and upgrade the nation’s transmission network to deliver job growth and economic development, a cleaner environment, and lower costs for consumers.
Media Contact:
Alex Hobson
Vice President of Communications
American Council on Renewable Energy
hobson@acore.org | 202.777.7584 (o) | 202.594.0706 (c)
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