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Clean Energy Leaders Statement on Passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in U.S. Senate
Joint statement by:
Gregory Wetstone, President and CEO, American Council on Renewable (ACORE)
Tom Kiernan, CEO, American Wind Energy Association (AWEA)
Matthew Mallioux, Director, American Conservation Coalition (ACC)
Heather Reams, Managing Director, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES)
Mark Pischea, President, Conservative Energy Network (CEN)
Mark Fleming, President and CEO, Conservatives for Clean Energy (CCE)
Washington, D.C. – “We applaud the reduction in the corporate tax rate and preserving frameworks that support the clean energy sector. However, we are concerned about provisions that will have a negative impact on clean energy investments, including Base Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax (BEAT) provision and the impact of the corporate Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) on investment tools that have been critical to the growth of the clean energy sector.
If these provisions are retained, they will result in broad instability and uncertainty for businesses and investors across many sectors, including the clean energy sector. We look forward to working with conferees to address these concerns so that the sector can continue to contribute to vibrant and diverse domestic energy production.”
The American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) is a national non-profit organization leading the transition to a renewable energy economy. With hundreds of member companies from across the spectrum of renewable energy technologies, consumers and investors, ACORE is uniquely positioned to promote the policies and financial structures essential to growth in the renewable energy sector. Our annual forums in Washington, D.C., New York and San Francisco set the industry standard in providing important venues for key leaders to meet, discuss recent developments, and hear the latest from senior government officials and seasoned experts. For more information, visit www.acore.org and follow @ACORE on Twitter
About AWEA
AWEA is the national trade association of the U.S. wind energy industry. We represent 1,000 member companies and over 100,000 jobs in the U.S. economy, serving as a powerful voice for how wind works for America. Members include global leaders in wind power and energy development, turbine manufacturing, and component and service suppliers. They gather each year at the Western Hemisphere’s largest wind power trade show, the AWEA WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition, next in Chicago, Illinois, May 7-10, 2018. Find information about wind energy on the AWEA website. See www.awea.org and follow @AWEA on Twitter.
About ACC
The American Conservation Coalition is a millennial-led free-market environmental organization. The American Conservation Coalition works on college campuses nationwide to educate millennials about a conservative approach to clean energy and conservation issues. The ACC supports a broad range of limited-government and market-centric policies to usher in a new generation of stewardship. www.acc.eco
About CRES
Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization founded in 2013 to engage Republican policymakers and the public about commonsense, conservative solutions to address our nation’s need for abundant, reliable energy while preserving our environment. www.citizensfor.com
About CEN
The Conservative Energy Network (CEN) was launched in 2016 by conservatives, for conservatives, to support and connect state-based conservative clean energy and energy efficiency organizations throughout the nation. CEN works closely with members and allies in about 20 states to offer Conservative clean energy solutions that create jobs, spark innovation, conserve our resources, and protect our energy grid and national security. www.conservativeenergynetwork.org
About CCE
Conservatives for Clean Energy educates the public on the benefits of clean and renewable energy sources and helps to lead the conversation about the economic benefits of clean energy to North Carolina’s economy. As conservatives, we encourage competition and free markets, which allows for vibrant, sustainable economies. Clean and renewable energy sources represent the future of energy in North Carolina. www.cleanenergyconservatives.com
ACORE, Gil Jenkins, jenkins@acore.org, 202-777-7584
AWEA, Evan Vaughan, evaughan@awea.org, 202-431-4640
ACC, Bethany Bowra, bbowra@acc.eco
CRES, Anna Epstein, press@citizensfor.com
CEN, Brittany Zwierzchowski Tisler, brittanyz@sterlingcorporation.com
CCE, Mark Fleming, mark@cleanenergyconservatives.com
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