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The American Council On Renewable Energy Announces 2015 Board Of Directors Election Results
Dan Reicher, Judy Siegel, Cathy Snyder, Rolf Gibbels and Steve Morgan reelected to serve five year terms.
Washington, D.C. – The American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) is pleased to announce its 2015 Board of Directors election results: Dan Reicher, Stanford University; Judy Siegel, Energy & Security Group; Cathy Snyder, Lockheed Martin; Rolf Gibbels, IBM; and Steve Morgan, American Clean Energy all won reelection or reappointment to the board of directors.
“I am pleased to welcome my fellow board members back to continue their excellent work in support of ACORE’s mission to provide business leadership while building a more prosperous America with clean, renewable energy,” said ACORE Board Co-chair, Dan Adler. “We had outstanding candidates to consider, and the range of talent and collective insight this board provides is extraordinary and a true asset to ACORE. The reelection and appointment of Dan, Judy, Cathy, Rolf and Steve is well-deserved, and all of ACORE looks forward to the next five years of their leadership.”
Dan Reicher, Executive Director of the Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance at Stanford University, who was reelected to his role as Board Co-Chair, said, “I am pleased to have this opportunity to continue in a director role. The renewable energy industry is seeing more success than ever before, and ACORE remains a vital advocate for the sector in Washington D.C. and around the country.”
Judy Siegel is President of the Energy & Security Group and brings 30 years of experience in clean energy financing, policy and technology, with a focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency to ACORE’s Board. “I am honored to be reelected to ACORE’s Board of Directors. ACORE’s groundbreaking work on renewable energy finance has contributed to the vibrant and growing clean tech market the U.S. enjoys today, and as a top industry organization, I look forward to what ACORE can contribute to this arena in 2015.”
Cathy Snyder is Vice President for Energy and Environment at Lockheed Martin. She supports government relations across federal, state and international customers for strategic business initiatives in the energy generation, efficiency, environmental management and sustainability businesses. “Being reelected to ACORE’s Board gives me and Lockheed Martin a tremendous opportunity to continue our support of the organization and the industry writ large. I’m pleased to take on this role, and I believe that ACORE will have a strong influence on the advancement of clean energy – from solar to microgrids – across the U.S. this year and beyond.”
Rolf Gibbels is an executive member of IBM’s global energy and utilities organization, and leads the global industry solutions and business development activities with focus on power generation. Mr. Gibbels was reappointed to the at-large seat on ACORE’s Board of Directors. “Information technologies such as the cloud and analytics are becoming increasingly relevant to sustain the growth of renewable energy and ensure a rapid integration with conventional sources. I am honored to continue to serve ACORE’s board and will work to contribute to its success, as the organization leads on the constantly evolving nexus of energy and information technology.”
Steve Morgan, Chief Executive Office of American Clean Energy, a New Jersey-based developer of solar installations for commercial and industrial customers, is also a former utility executive and has nearly 40 years of engineering, operational management and senior executive experience spanning the energy space. “I am honored to be reelected to ACORE’s Board and look forward to continuing to aid the renewable energy industry as it scales up and further integrates with utility business models. ACORE continues to be a business leader in this sense, and its work is growing in relevance and importance to meet the needs of a modern, 21st century power sector.”
The newly elected members join ACORE’s board, which includes: Dan Adler, California Clean Energy Fund; Mark Anderson, EDF Inc.; Doug Berven, POET; Matt Cheney, CleanPath Ventures, LLC; Joseph Desmond, BrightSource Energy; Nicholas Moore, Pure Energy Partners; Roger Feldman, Andrews Kurth LLP; Matt Ferguson, Kilpatrick, Townsend & Stockton LLP; Sydney McNiff Johnson, Dentons; Michael Ware, Advance Capital Markets; and Kathy Weiss, First Solar.
About ACORE:
ACORE, a 501(c)(3) non-profit membership organization, is dedicated to building a secure and prosperous America with clean, renewable energy. ACORE seeks to advance renewable energy through finance, policy, technology, and market development and is concentrating its member focus in 2015 on National Defense & Security, Power Generation & Infrastructure, and Transportation. Additional information is available at www.acore.org
ACORE Media Contacts:
Kevin Haley, ACORE
haley@acore.org; (202) 777-7584
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