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ACORE Statement on the PJM Fuel Security Study
Statement by Todd Foley, ACORE Senior Vice President, Policy & Government Affairs
Washington, D.C. – “While not a surprise, the biggest takeaway for anyone reading the fuel security report is that PJM found no reliability concerns. This was true even in the most extreme cases, where PJM contemplated a perfect storm scenario marked by an extended period of severe winter weather combined with high customer demand and a fuel supply disruption.
Looking deeper, we are pleased to see PJM appropriately endorses market-based solutions for any future reliability concerns, but are concerned to see the report focus so narrowly on resource attributes rather than actual performance when it comes to providing needed reliability services. A more comprehensive study would have recognized how renewable energy technologies provide a range of resiliency and reliability attributes to the grid, including flexibility, dispatchability, and other essential reliability services.
As reflected by our initial comments with other clean energy groups in July, ACORE will continue to engage with PJM and other key stakeholders in the national consideration of fuel security issues moving forward. Renewable energy has a number of benefits that can and should be recognized if we are going have an equitable discussion about grid reliability, resiliency and security.”
Background Material
The American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) is a national non-profit organization that unites finance, policy and technology to accelerate the transition to a renewable energy economy. Founded in 2001, ACORE is the focal point for collaborative advocacy across the renewable energy sector, supported by hundreds of members spanning renewable energy technologies and constituencies. Every year, ACORE convenes top business leaders and policymakers at its annual forums on finance, policy and grid technology in New York, Washington, D.C. and San Francisco. For more information about ACORE, please visit www.acore.org and follow @ACORE on Twitter.
Media Contact:
Gil Jenkins
Vice President of Communications
jenkins@acore.org | 202.777.7584
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