- Project Finance
- Reports
Decarbonizing Corporate Value Chains
Decarbonizing Corporate Value Chains: How Upstream, Downstream & Midstream Companies are Advancing Renewable Energy Purchasing reviews how large corporate adopters are implementing business-to-business market incentives that encourage renewable energy procurement throughout their value chains.
Featuring insights and best practices from The Dow Chemical Company, IBM, Mars, Apex Clean Energy, First Solar and Wilson Sonsini, the market review analyzes replicable tools to help spread renewable energy use throughout the C&I sector, including through supplier engagement programs, internal practices, contracting structures, and policy advocacy.
Download the full report here.
The report reviews five areas of focus for Renewable Value Chain Initiatives, including:
- Downstream Companies: How leading downstream adopters of renewable energy procurement can leverage Renewable Value Chain Initiatives and better engage their suppliers.
- Upstream Companies: How upstream companies can gain a competitive advantage by producing less carbon-intensive products and services.
- Midstream Supplier Compliance: How midstream suppliers can adapt and procure renewable energy to comply with Renewable Value Chain Initiatives.
- Policy Objectives: How leading companies and their suppliers can help to change energy markets in support of a renewably powered economy.
- PPA Evolution & Value Chain Tracking: How companies can pursue flexible PPA contracts and track their scope 3 emissions to implement Renewable Value Chain Initiatives successfully.
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What will our next 20 years look like? Here’s the truth: they’ll be better with ACORE at the forefront of energy policy.
Shannon Kellogg
Amazon Web Services (AWS)