Madeline Maxine Roman

Team Member

Senior Manager, Digital Media

Madeline Maxine Roman

Madeline Maxine Roman is a talkative and loud person. That’s partly due to being hard of hearing, but primarily because she’s always been passionate about conveying important messages.

As the Senior Manager for Digital Media at ACORE, Roman steers the organization’s digital strategies to increase brand awareness and strengthen ACORE’s reputation as a leader on cross-cutting renewable energy business and policy issues. She maintains the online presence for ACORE, including social media accounts, websites, and graphic design.

Prior to joining ACORE, Roman was the Senior Communications Manager at the Eno Center for Transportation. Roman graduated as commencement speaker from Towson University with her B.F.A. in Dance and B.S. in Mass Communication. When Roman is not working, she’s in the studio with her dance company. Whether it’s revamping marketing strategies or choreographing a performance, she is constantly finding unique solutions for life’s curve balls and creating messages about the issues that matter.