ACORE Statement on H.R. 4137, the ‘Renewable Electricity Tax Credit Equalization Act’

  • Erin Snyder

 Statement by Gregory Wetstone, President and CEO, and Todd Foley, Senior Vice President, Policy & Government Affairs, American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE)

Washington, D.C. – “We commend Representative Stefanik for introducing a bill that would extend the tax credits for several important sources of renewable energy power generation. This legislation would promote continued investment in important domestic biomass, geothermal, municipal waste, hydropower, marine and hydrokinetic electric generation through 2021.

Enactment of this legislation as soon as possible is important to create the certainty necessary to drive investment in these critical American industries,” said ACORE President and CEO, Gregory Wetstone.

“We appreciate continued bipartisan support for renewable energy generation. This bill is an important step in the direction of parity in tax policy – though tax incentives for renewable energy are scheduled to sunset, incentives for fossil and other sources of convention energy remain permanent fixtures in the tax code,” added Todd Foley, ACORE’s Senior Vice President of Policy & Government Affairs.


The American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) is a national non-profit organization that unites finance, policy and technology to accelerate the transition to a renewable energy economy. Founded in 2001, ACORE is the focal point for collaborative advocacy across the renewable energy sector, supported by hundreds of members spanning renewable energy technologies and constituencies. Every year, ACORE convenes top business leaders and policymakers at its annual forums on finance, policy and grid technology in New York, Washington, D.C. and San Francisco. For more information about ACORE, please visit and follow @ACORE on Twitter.

Media Contact:

Gil Jenkins
Vice President of Communications | 202.777.7584