Recommendations for Reducing Costs and Improving Reliability for Tennessee Valley Authority Customers

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is conducting its legally mandated Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) process, an undertaking that currently does not require inclusion of the transmission expansion options necessary to ensure procurement of the lowest-cost power options. Notably, the TVA service territory experienced rolling blackouts for the first time in its more than 90-year history during Winter Storm Elliott in 2022, when the region’s power supply could not meet demand. Amid skyrocketing load projections, integrating transmission and generation planning will help ensure reliable, affordable power for TVA’s 10 million customers.
The report highlights critical steps Congress can take to improve TVA’s transmission planning to make electricity service more affordable, reliable and resilient for customers. Produced by the American Council on Renewable Energy in partnership with the Southern Renewable Energy Association and in collaboration with Paul Hastings LLP, the report outlines actionable recommendations to prepare TVA for growing energy demands, more frequent extreme weather events, and develop or purchase the lowest-cost generation.
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