Kevin Gresham
Board Chair
Senior Vice President, Government Relations & Regulatory Affairs, RWE Clean Energy
Kevin Gresham has focused on the competitive electricity market transition for more than 20 years. He directs RWE Clean Energy’s interactions with federal and state legislative and regulatory bodies. The Company is one of the nation’s leading renewable energy companies with more than 10 GWs of wind, solar and battery energy storage generation capacity in North America.
Kevin has been in renewable energy for 15 years starting with E.ON and transitioning to RWE in 2019. Previously, as Regulatory Affairs Director for Reliant Energy, Gresham was integral to formulation of market rules for the ERCOT competitive market transition including chairing ERCOT’s Protocol Revision Subcommittee for 9 years. His experience also includes involvement with PJM, MISO, California, and the West.
Gresham was appointed to and served on the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee (2014-2016). He served on the ERCOT Board of Directors representing the Independent Generator Segment (2010-2021). In addition, he also serves in leadership roles for various trade and business associations including the American Clean Power Association, North American Generator Forum and other regional advocacy organizations. He is Director Certified by the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD).