Jan Hamrin, Ph.D.
Emeritus Board Member
Retired as President, Center for Resource Solutions (CRS)

Dr. Jan Hamrin has more than three decades of professional experience in electric industry and environmental policies and programs and is an expert on the integration of public interest goals into the restructured electricity sector. Jan retired as the President of the non-profit Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) that she founded and headed for eleven years. Jan was a key person in the development of issuing and tracking systems for clean energy certificates in North America and served as Secretary General of the Environmental Tracking Network of North America (ETNNA). Dr. Hamrin led the Renewable Energy Policy Section for the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). Jan was leader of the China Sustainable Energy Program’s Renewable Energy Team from 1999 to 2009 as well as working on similar issues in the Philippines, Europe, Canada, India, Mexico, Thailand, Brazil and several other countries.
Previously Jan founded and served as Executive Director of the Independent Energy Producers Association and prior to that served as Manager of Solar Programs for the California Energy Commission. She has co-authored numerous publications and has served on Advisory Committees for the International Energy Agency, the US Department of Energy and others as well as participating as a member of the US State Department’s Distinguished Speakers Program. She earned her PhD in Ecology and Public Policy from the University of California, Davis as well as an MS in Consumer Science and a BS from the University of New Mexico.
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